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Find Clarity In Chaos With Somatic Mapping



6 min


Calm Anxiety

Compassion and Empathy

Improved Focus and Mental Clarity

Resolve Conflict

Somatic mapping helps you connect to your body and can provide clarity in moments of emotional turmoil. In moments of heightened conflict, it's easy to become overwhelmed by our thoughts and reactions. A simple yet powerful technique called "what's mine and what's yours" can help us stay grounded, centered, and respond with intention rather than reactivity.

Karishma Kapoor

About the Guide

Karishma Kapoor

Karishma is a visionary guide and transformation expert who transitioned from a successful career in Advertising & media to follow her spiritual path. With accreditations in Conscious Connected Breathwork from 2 schools, Reiki, esoteric medicine healing and Rose Shamanic therapy she blends psycho-spiritual practices with nervous system regulation, somatic & emotional healing techniques. Her work is further enriched by mentorships in shamanic healing traditions that focus on heart-centered living and spiritual awakening. Karishma leads individuals and groups through ritualistic & altered states of consciousness journeys to help them reawaken to the remembrance of their sacred nature and to help them reconnect with their soul's true purpose.



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