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Rewire Your Habits: Break Dysfunctional Patterns



2 min




Why is changing our habits, patterns, and beliefs so challenging, especially when dysfunctional patterns persist? Start by exploring the belief systems that hinder change and beileve that transformation is possible. Learn the four steps to change negative patterns and experience the rewarding feeling of personal growth.

Kanchan Wadi

About the Guide

Kanchan Wadi

Meet Kanchan Wadi, a wellness coach, family counsellor, and motivational speaker who helps people transform their emotional health and relationships. Whether it’s a hard-to-make decision, a relationship conflict, a sudden loss, or a change in circumstances – it’s very beneficial to have someone who’s qualified and experienced to help you feel better and find solutions. Her personalised coaching format ensures that every client can experience holistic well-being to give their best in every aspect of their life.